Reprinting a Saved Job

A job submitted to a save queue is transformed to a PDF, Single-Page TIFF or  a Multi-Page Tiff.

To reprint a saved job


NOTE: If Retain PDL File is active, a completed copy job will be listed under the Job Manager: Completed tab. This allows you to resubmit the job for printing, changing job properties if needed.

  1. Select Job manager and the Saved tab.
  2. Select [Print from File].
  3. Select Browse to locate the job on the Save directory on your system, a CD or networked server save directory.
  4. Select the folder that contains the saved job.
  5. Note

    NOTE: Verify the correct Save Location by checking with the System Administrator or by viewing the Save Location in the Save Preferences. In some cases, additional Save directories are created to save specific jobs by user, by department, or by another categorization.

  6. In the Browse window, or under the Saved Jobs tab, is a listing of saved jobs. You can filter the list of jobs by selecting a specific file type in the File Filter pull-down menu. The available choices may include:
    --Job Ticket
  7. Note

    NOTE: The default viewing is by Job Ticket because this is the file that retains all previous job selections. Selecting other file types does not give you the entire job. For example, if you select a TIFF file type, the system prints out only the TIFF image.

  8. To change the job properties double-click on a job to open the job properties window.
  9. Set job properties.
  10. Select [Print].