Saving and Storing Jobs

Jobs (copy, scan, and print) can be submitted and programmed to be placed in a Saved Jobs directory on the Xerox Nuvera. Once saved, they can be reprinted at any time.


NOTE: Copying and scanning jobs is not available on the Xerox Nuvera 288 Digital Perfecting System.

To save and store jobs

Copy Jobs

  1. In the Xerox Nuvera user interface, click the Copy button.
  2. Select the Advanced tab.
  3. Enter a job name by typing it into the Job Name textbox.
  4. Select the destination (Print, Print and Save, Save, Save as Background Form) for your job. If saving the job, use the Save Location dropdown menu to select the Save Location.
  5. If saving, choose the format to be saved.
  6. Set the job properties.
  7. When you are satisfied with your settings, click <Copy>.

For more information, see Setting Up a Copy Job.

Scan to File Jobs

  1. In the Xerox Nuvera user interface, click the Scan To File button.
  2. Select the Basic tab (selected by default).
  3. Enter a job name by typing it into the Job Name textbox.
  4. Use the Save Location dropdown menu to select the save location.
  5. Choose the format to be saved as. For more information, see What Format Should I Save In?
  6. Set the job properties.
  7. When you are satisfied with your settings, click <Scan>.

For more information, see Setting Up A Scan Job.

Print from File Jobs

  1. In the Xerox Nuvera user interface, click the Print From File button.
  2. Select the Files tab (selected by default).
  3. Click Browse to locate and select a job.
  4. Select the directory location of the job from the Look In dropdown menu.
  5. Select the destination (Print, Print and Save, Save, Save as Background Form) for your job. If saving the job, use the Save Location dropdown menu to select the save location.
  6. If saving, choose the format to be saved as. For more information, see What Format Should I Save In?
  7. Set the job properties.
  8. When you are satisfied with your settings, click <Print>.

NOTE: The Job Manager Saved tab displays a list of all jobs in the user defined Save location as specified in System Preferences.

For more information, see Setting Up A Print Job.