Using Offset to Separate Documents in a Stack

Copying or printing large volumes of documents is not a problem for the Xerox Nuvera. However, sorting and delivering those documents to people is difficult and time consuming if the output is all in one stack. You can program your jobs to include offset for finishers that have stacking capabilities. This is useful for organizing multiple document sets for easy distribution. Settings may vary based upon the finisher installed.

Offset Choice Terminology

It is important to understand what Sets and Stacks are in the Offset pulldown menu.

Set: all pages of a multi-page document. In other words, one complete copy of a multi-page document. This can be stapled or unstapled.

Stack: several copies of a set.

To use offset to separate documents

  1. Submit job to the Xerox Nuvera.
  2. On the Output tab, select the Output Location pulldown menu. Choose <Finisher>.
  3. In the Offset pulldown menu, select from:
  4. If Subset finishing is required select [Enable]. The Subset Size field becomes active. You can type or, use the arrow control to enter Subset Size values.
    If desired, mark the Subset Offset checkbox. Subset Offset inserts an offset within a stack (uncollated set) after each specified page number. You can type or, use the arrow control to set Subset Size values.
  5. When satisfied with your settings, click <OK>.

NOTE: Choose [Offset] when stapling for the best stacking performance.