Dry Ink (Toner)

The type of dry ink used on your system depends on the particular Xerox Nuvera system you have.

The Xerox Nuvera Digital Copier/Printer uses LEX dry ink and the Production System uses either LEX or MICR dry ink.

The Xerox Nuvera 288 Digital Perfecting System uses EA dry ink only. The EA (Emulsion Aggregation) dry ink is a latex-based material that flows easier than conventional dry inks, resulting in less toner being used to provide the same density print. It offers a smoother, flatter laydown of dry ink surface that also creates a very high quality print.


Replacing the Dry Ink Container

When the machine has reached the limit set for the dry ink container, an alert will appear in the system messages portion of the user interface. Double-clicking the alert will launch a new window, giving details about the action needed.

Replace after:

The Copier/Printer includes only 1 Dry Ink container while the Digital Production System has 2 Dry Ink containers. The Xerox Nuvera 288 Digital Perfecting System has 2 Dry Ink containers per print engine for a total of 4 containers.

You can replace the empty container while the system is running since approximately 10 minutes worth of dry ink is available for continued printing.

The procedure for changing the dry ink is the same for both containers.

caution: possibility of damage to equipment if procedure not followed.

Make sure you install a valid toner cartridge.
LEX (regular) has a WHITE cap and label
MICR has a RED cap and label
EA Toner has a Green cap and label

The label on the inside of the left print engine door indicates the dry ink type to be used based upon the cap and label color. It also shows how to remove and replace a dry ink container.

To replace a Dry Ink Container

Double-click the system alert to see the location of the dry ink container, details on the action needed, and instructions on how and where to return the used dry ink container.

See Contacting Xerox to get the correct part number for this dry ink container.


NOTE: If you install an invalid dry ink container, a fault code will ask you to "remove the invalid toner container".

  1. Open the front access covers and identify the correct container.
  2. Move the dry ink container latch to the left.
  3. Remove the used container by pulling the container outward. Keep the output hole of the old container pointing up to avoid spilling any residual dry ink.
  4. Prepare the new container for installation. Before removing the orange seal, shake the container end to end five times. This mixes up any dry ink that may have settled.
  5. Remove the orange seal.
  6. Insert the new container. Make sure:
    • the intake core punctures the container's inner seal
    • the container is completely seated
    • the arrow on the container lines up with the arrow on the printer housing
  7. Package the used container for return. Use the box and prepaid return label to return the old unit to Xerox.



Replacing the Dry Ink Container