Shifting the Image

Sometimes the information on the output page needs to be moved to accomodate different types of binding. This prevents information falling into areas that may eventually be hole-punched, stapled, or perfect-bound.


NOTE: Copy functionality is not available on the Xerox Nuvera 288 Digital Perfecting System.

To shift the image for a copy job

  1. Determine the amount of space needed to shift the content away from the binding edge.
  2. Place the original document on the Document Glass.
  3. In the Xerox Nuvera user interface, click the Copy button.
  4. Click the Image Edit tab.
  5. Click the Image Shift button.
  6. Click the arrow in the dropdown menu. Manual is the default. Select Image Shift. Image Shift controls appear.
  7. Enter the amount of margin shift determined in step 1.
  8. Make any other adjustments to the copy job.
  9. Click <Copy>.

To shift the image for a print job

  1. From the user interface, select Job Manager and open the job properties window of the job.
  2. Select the Image Edit tab.
  3. Select the Image Shift button.
  4. Set the horizontal and vertical shift values.
  5. Make any other adjustments to the print job.
  6. Click <OK>