Product support
Note, when downloading a print driver, please select your operating system from the "Platform" drop down menu
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É um cliente VI Design Express / VIPP Pro Publisher existente que deseja atualizar para a versão 18.x (Sua chave de ativação atual será usada para licenciar a nova versão) ou ...
É um novo cliente VI Design Express com uma chave de ativação fornecida em seu kit de documentação.
Use this version of VI Compose with Xerox® FreeFlow® Print Server running on Microsoft® Windows™
Use the separate Open Edition validation file download to check your non-Xerox printer's compatibility with the VI Compose Open Edition product.
VIPP Manage is a utility program used to install VI Compose on supported Xerox Office devices. It is also used to load and delete resources and submit VIPP jobs to those devices. Further information may be found in the documentation Zip file.
This zip file contains an instructional guide (in pdf format), and configuration files (Workflow, Profile, spot colors and fonts) to assist you on how to set up FreeFlow® VI Suite Specialty/Security Imaging when a Fiery/EFI DFE is being used.
Run this Postscript file on your non-Xerox printer to check compatibility with the VI Compose Open Edition product.
Running the file on your printer will generate a printed report showing a status of Red, Yellow or Green.
Red will indicate VI Compose Open Edition cannot run on that device. Yellow means it can but will need to be manually started. Green means it can be installed and will start automatically – this is described in the documentation included with the software download.
FreeFlow VI on the Fly Productivity Apps for postcards, business cards and posters simplify the most common print jobs with ready-to-use templates, allowing printers to significantly increase the number of jobs completed daily. VI on the Fly Productivity Apps require FreeFlow VI Design Express (formerly VIPP® Pro Publisher) version 9.0 (or later) and VI Compose (formerly Interpreter) 9.0f (or above) (purchased separately).
For installation and user instructions, download the Xerox® FreeFlow® VI on the Fly Productivity Apps Solutions Guide.
This file is used to set up the EFI Fiery IR Output Profile in Fiery's CWS Device Center so FreeFlow VI Suite Specialty/Security printing of special effects will work.
For instructions on how to use this file and set the FreeFlow VI Suite Specialty/Security Imaging effects up, please refer to the "Xerox FreeFlow Specialty Imaging How To Guide for EFI Fiery Setup/Configuration"
This file is used to set up the EFI Fiery IR Spot Color definitions in Fiery's CWS Device Center so FreeFlow VI Suite Specialty/Security printing of special effects will work.
For instructions on how to use this file and set the FreeFlow VI Suite Specialty/Security Imaging effects up, please refer to the "Xerox FreeFlow Specialty Imaging How To Guide for EFI Fiery Setup/Configuration"
See the included ReadMe.txt file for installation and other details.
See the included ReadMe.txt file for installation and other details.
See the included ReadMe.txt file for installation and other details.
See the included ReadMe.txt file for installation and other details.
See the included ReadMe.txt file for installation and other details.
See the included ReadMe.txt file for installation and other details.
See the included ReadMe.txt file for installation and other details.