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Product support

FreeFlow Variable Information Suite

Software løsninger

VIPP Manage 18.x (For VI Compose Office)


VIPP Manage is a utility program used to install VI Compose on supported Xerox Office devices. It is also used to load and delete resources and submit VIPP jobs to those devices. Further information may be found in the documentation Zip file.

  • Lansert: 12/27/2023
  • Versjon: 18.0.3
  • Størrelse: 235.75 MB
  • Filnavn: VIPPManage_18.0.3.zip

Supported platforms

  • Windows 10 x64
  • Windows Server 2019 x64
  • Windows Server 2016 x64
  • macOS 10.15 - Catalina
  • macOS 11 Big Sur
  • macOS 12 Monterey
  • Windows 11
  • Windows Server 2022 x64
  • macOS 13 Ventura

Supported languages

  • English (N. America)
  • English (Global)
  • Spanish

Supported products

  • FreeFlow Variable Information Suite

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