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Product support

DocuColor 12 Printer

Drivere og nedlastinger

Fiery X12 & XP12 Getting Started for DocuColor 12


This manual describes installing the user software for the Fiery X12/XP12 Color Server™ and setting up printing from Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS computers. For information about setting up network servers and clients to use the Fiery Color Server, see the Configuration Guide. For general information on using the color copier, your computer, your application software, or your network, see the manuals that accompany those products.

  • Lansert: 06/18/2002
  • Størrelse: 1.12 MB
  • Filnavn: Fiery_X12_XP12_Getting_Started_for_DC12.pdf
  • Etiketter: Oppsett- og installasjonshåndbøker
  • Digital Front End (DFE): Fiery X12, Fiery XP12

Supported languages

  • English (N. America)

Supported products

  • Fiery X12
  • DocuColor 12 Copier/Printer
  • DocuColor 12 Printer
  • Fiery XP12

Digital Front End (DFE)

  • Fiery X12
  • Fiery XP12

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