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Product support

DocuColor 240/250

Drivers en downloads

Documentation for version 1.0 SP1 of EFI EXP250 Controller for DocuColor 240/250.


Contains the User Addendum, Release Notes and ReadMe files for version 1.0 SP1 of EFI Controller EXP250 for the DocuColor 240/250. Installation instructions are in the User Addendum.

  • Uitgebracht: 02-05-2006
  • Formaat: 1.34 MB
  • Bestandsnaam:
  • Tags: Overige documentatie
  • Digital Front End: EFI Fiery EX250

Supported languages

  • English (N. America)
  • English (Global)

Supported products

  • DocuColor 240/250
  • EFI Fiery EX250

Digital Front End

  • EFI Fiery EX250

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