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Fiery EX12 Job Management Guide


The Job Management Guide explains the function of the Fiery client utilities, including EFI Command WorkStation™ and Fiery DocBuilderPro™, and how you can use them to manage jobs and maintain color quality. This manual is intended for an operator or administrator, or a user with the necessary privileges, who needs to monitor and manage job flow, perform color calibration, and troubleshoot problems that may arise.

  • Uitgebracht: 18-06-2002
  • Formaat: 2.95 MB
  • Bestandsnaam: Job_Management_Guide_Fiery_EX12.pdf
  • Tags: Overige documentatie
  • Digital Front End: Fiery EX12

Supported languages

  • English (N. America)

Supported products

  • DocuColor 12 Copier/Printer
  • DocuColor 12 Printer
  • Fiery EX12

Digital Front End

  • Fiery EX12

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