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DocuColor 40

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Fiery X40 Printing Guide


This manual is intended for those remote users who send jobs via the network or a parallel port connection between their workstation and the Fiery X40. It covers the following topics: printing from a Windows computer; printing from a Mac OS computer; printing from UNIX; using special features; downloading files and fonts using Fiery Downloader™; monitoring jobs and accessing information using Fiery WebTools™ and Fiery Link™; and specifying and troubleshooting information.

  • Uitgebracht: 07-08-2000
  • Formaat: 1.13 MB
  • Bestandsnaam: Fiery_X40_Printing_Guide.pdf
  • Tags: Overige documentatie
  • Digital Front End: Fiery X40

Supported languages

  • English (N. America)

Supported products

  • DocuColor 40CP
  • Fiery X40
  • DocuColor 40
  • DocuColor 30 PRO

Digital Front End

  • Fiery X40

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