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DocuColor 40

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DocuColor 40 CP Job Management Guide


This manual is intended for DocuColor 40 CP Color Server™ operators or administrators, or users with the necessary access privileges, who monitor and manage job flow, perform color calibration, and troubleshoot problems that may arise. It describes the functions and features of DocuColor 40 CP utilities and DocuColor 40 CP WebTools for the purposes of print job management and color quality control.

  • Uitgebracht: 01-01-1998
  • Formaat: 1.21 MB
  • Bestandsnaam: DocuColor_40_CP_Job_Management_Guide.pdf
  • Tags: Overige documentatie

Supported languages

  • English (N. America)

Supported products

  • DocuColor 40CP
  • DocuColor 40
  • DocuColor 30 PRO

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