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DocuColor 30 PRO

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Fiery ZX40 Color Guide


This manual is written for anyone who prints to a Fiery ZX using popular Macintosh and Windows applications. It goes beyond the mechanics of sending a print job and explains issues that affect the quality of the results, such as: use of color in the document; resolution and file formats used for imported images; features of ColorWise™ color management performed by the Fiery ZX; and effects of print option settings on printed color.

  • Publié: 01/01/1998
  • Taille: 826.37 KB
  • Nom du fichier: Fiery_ZX40_Color_Guide.pdf
  • Balises: Autre documentation
  • Serveur d'impression: Fiery ZX, Fiery ZX

Supported languages

  • English (N. America)

Supported products

  • Fiery ZX
  • DocuColor 40
  • DocuColor 30 PRO

Serveur d'impression

  • Fiery ZX
  • Fiery ZX

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