Product support - Windows XP
Note, when downloading a print driver, please select your operating system from the "Platform" drop down menu
Windows XP Notification: Windows XP End of Support -- What you need to know (PDF)
Windows XP/03/08/Vista PCL6 driver for the Phaser 6128MFP. This driver uses the Add Printer Wizard and is Microsoft WHQL Certified.
Scan driver installer for the Phaser 6128MFP. If you are using Scan to Computer (USB) from the printer’s front panel, you will also need to download and install the 6128MFP Utilities. The 6128MFP Utilities installer contains the Express Scan Manager which is required to be installed and running on the computer in order to use Scan to Computer (USB) at the front panel of the printer.
Windows XP/03/08/Vista PCL6 driver for the Phaser 6128MFP. This driver uses the Add Printer Wizard and is Microsoft WHQL Certified.
Windows XP/03/08/Vista PCL6 driver for the Phaser 6128MFP. This driver uses the Add Printer Wizard and is Microsoft WHQL Certified.
Windows XP/03/08/Vista PCL6 driver for the Phaser 6128MFP. This driver uses the Add Printer Wizard and is Microsoft WHQL Certified.
Windows XP/03/08/Vista PCL6 driver for the Phaser 6128MFP. This driver uses the Add Printer Wizard and is Microsoft WHQL Certified.
Windows XP/03/08/Vista PCL6 driver for the Phaser 6128MFP. This driver uses the Add Printer Wizard and is Microsoft WHQL Certified.
Windows XP/03/08/Vista PCL6 driver for the Phaser 6128MFP. This driver uses the Add Printer Wizard and is Microsoft WHQL Certified.
Windows XP/03/08/Vista PCL6 driver for the Phaser 6128MFP. This driver uses the Add Printer Wizard and is Microsoft WHQL Certified
Windows XP/03/08/Vista PCL6 driver for the Phaser 6128MFP. This driver uses the Add Printer Wizard and is Microsoft WHQL Certified.
Windows XP/03/08/Vista PCL6 driver for the Phaser 6128MFP. This driver uses the Add Printer Wizard and is Microsoft WHQL Certified.
Windows XP/03/08/Vista PCL6 driver for the Phaser 6128MFP. This driver uses the Add Printer Wizard and is Microsoft WHQL Certified.
Windows XP/03/08/Vista PCL6 driver for the Phaser 6128MFP. This driver uses the Add Printer Wizard and is Microsoft WHQL Certified.
Windows XP/03/08/Vista PCL6 driver for the Phaser 6128MFP. This driver uses the Add Printer Wizard and is Microsoft WHQL Certified.
Windows XP/03/08/Vista PCL6 driver for the Phaser 6128MFP. This driver uses the Add Printer Wizard and is Microsoft WHQL Certified.
Utilities for the 6128MFP. This package installs the Address Book Editor, Express Scan Manager and the Launcher utility.
The PrintingScout utility allows you to monitor the status of print jobs and printer supplies and consumables from your computer.
Windows ICM Profile for the Phaser 6128MFP.