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Manage the Printer's Address Book

Product support for
VersaLink C625 Color Multifunction Printer
Article ID

An address book is a list of individual contacts, each associated with an email address, fax number, or scan destination. You can configure the printer to use a Network Address Book or the Device Address Book for email. The Network Address Book looks up addresses from an LDAP directory. If you do not have an LDAP server, you can use the Device Address Book. If you configure both address books, users are presented with a choice to use either address book at the control panel.

The Device Address Book is an address book that is stored on the device locally. You can configure the printer to use the Device Address Book instead of a Network Address Book. You can add contacts manually, import directly from emails that are sent to or from the device, or import them from a .csv file.

View Contacts

A contact is a user with an associated email address, fax number, or scan destination. Contacts can be added to groups or marked as a Favorite.
To view a contact, in the Embedded Web Server, click the Address Book tab, then do one of the following:

  • To view all contacts in the address book, for Address Book, select All Contacts.

  • To view a specific type of contact, for Email, Fax, or Scan To Destination, select Contacts.

  • To view specific contact information, select the contact from the list.

Manually Editing the Address Book

You can use contacts, groups, or Favorites to edit and organize the address book manually.

Adding or Editing a Contact

  1. In the Embedded Web Server, click Address Book.

  2. To add or edit a contact in the address book:

    • To add a contact to the address book, click Add.

    • To edit a contact in the address book, select the contact, then click Edit.

      Note: If the Add button is unavailable, the address book has reached its limit. The Device Address Book can contain up to 5000 contacts.

  3. Type the contact information:

  4. To associate a scan destination with this contact, for Scan To Destination, click the Plus (+) button. 

  5. To mark a contact as a Favorite for email, fax, or scan to destination, click the star next to the appropriate field. If you click the star next to Display Name, the contact becomes a Global Favorite.

  6. Click Save, or select Add Another Contact After Saving, then click Save.

Removing a Contact from the Address Book

To remove a contact from the address book, select the contact, click Delete, then click OK.

Deleting All Contacts from the Address Book

To delete all contacts from the address book, from the Management list, select Delete All.

Managing Groups

Groups allow you to send a file to multiple address book contacts at the same time. Unknown Groups are unrecognized groups that were created in an address book that you imported from another printer. You can convert unknown groups to a fax group, then add or remove contacts from the group as needed.

Adding or Editing a Fax Recipient Group

  1. In the Embedded Web Server, click Address Book.

  2. To add or edit a fax recipient group, for Fax, select Groups.

    • To add a fax group, click Add Group.

    • To edit a fax group, select the group, then click Edit Group.

  3. For Group Name, type a name for the group.

  4. To set this group as a favorite, for Add Fax Favorite, click the star icon.

  5. To convert an unknown group to a fax group, for Group Location, select a group type.

  6. To add a contact to the group, from the list of available contacts on the left, select the contact. Contacts in the group appear in the Group Members list to the right. To add all available contacts, click Add All.

  7. To remove a contact from the group, from the Group Members list on the right, select the contact. To remove all contacts, click Remove All.

  8. Click Save.

Adding or Editing an Email Recipient Group

  1. In the Embedded Web Server, click Address Book.

  2. To add or edit an email recipient group, for Email, select Groups.

    • To add an email group, click Add Group.

    • To edit an email group, select the group, then click Edit Group.

  3. For Group Name, type a name for the group.

  4. To set this group as a favorite, for Add Email Favorite, click the star icon.

  5. To convert an unknown group to an email group, for Group Location, select a group type.

  6. To add a contact to the group, from the list of available contacts on the left, select the contact. Contacts in the group appear in the Group Members list to the right. To add all available contacts, click Add All.

  7. To remove a contact from the group, from the Group Members list on the right, select the contact. To remove all contacts, click Remove All.

  8. Click Save.

Managing Favorites

You can mark contacts that you frequently use as favorites. A star next to a contact in the list indicates a Favorite. You can mark a favorite as a Global Favorite for all services or as a Favorite for email, fax, or scan to destinations.
To manage favorites:

  1. In the Embedded Web Server, click Address Book.

  2. To edit a contact marked as a Favorite:

    1. Select the contact from the Favorites list for the appropriate section, then click Edit Favorite.

    2. Edit the contact information as needed, then click Save.

  3. To clear a contact marked as a Favorite:
    Select the contact from the Favorites list for the appropriate section, then click Delete Favorite.

  4. Click OK.

Importing Addresses Using Email

The Import Using Email feature adds email addresses to the Device Address Book from emails sent to the printer. Use this feature to populate the address book without manually typing address information. You can allow users to send encrypted email by storing encryption certificates from received signed email.

Note: Xerox recommends that you disable the Import Using Email feature after the Device Address Book is populated sufficiently. When this feature is enabled, the Device Address Book can fill quickly. For example, if you send an email message to the printer containing 30 recipient addresses in the CC field, and you allow the printer to add addresses in the CC field, all 30 addresses are added to the address book.

Before You Begin

Configure the POP3 settings. 

Configuring Import Using Email

  1. In the Embedded Web Server, click Address Book.

  2. From the Management list, select Import Using Email.

  3. For Enablement, select On.

  4. In the Policies area, for Email Type, select an option:

    • To allow the device to add the email addresses of all senders to the Device Address Book, select All Emails.

    • To add email addresses contained in emails sent with a digital signature only, select Only Signed Emails.

  5. To save digital certificates sent with signed email messages, select Import encryption certificate from signed emails.

  6. To add email addresses to the Device Address Book from the From, To, and CC fields, for Add all recipients contained in the following email fields, select one or more fields.

  7. Click Save.

Importing Device Address Book from File

You can import address book contacts from a .csv file.


  • The device recognizes the second row in the .csv file as the first address book entry. The first row contains headings for the information in each column.

  • To view an example of the appropriate format for the .csv file, download a sample file.

Importing an Address Book File

  1. In the Embedded Web Server, click Address Book.

  2. From the Management list, select Import from File.

  3. For Select an Address Book file to Import, click Browse or Choose File, then select your .csv file. Click Open or Choose.

  4. For Record Delimiter, select an option.

  5. Some device manufacturers allow you to export address book contacts to a .csv file, but contact information is enclosed in brackets. To remove brackets when importing this type of .csv file, select Remove brackets from the beginning and end of text fields.

  6. For Existing Contact Management, select an option:

    • Add new contacts to the existing Device Address Book: This option adds user information from the .csv file to the existing user information stored in the database.

    • Replace existing Device Address Book with the new contacts: This option replaces all user information in the database with user information from your .csv file.

  7. Click Upload File.

  8. For Verify Address Book Field Mappings, click Import.

  9. To upload a different address book file or revise the settings, click Change File/Options.

  10. If the current address book fields match exactly the imported file fields, the headings do not appear. To see the mapped fields, click Show Headings List.

  11. If the current address book fields do not match exactly the imported file fields, the headings appear. The unmapped fields are highlighted. To assign a mapping to the field, select a heading from the list.

  12. Click Import Address Book.

Editing the Device Address Book as a .csv File

To manage many addresses, you can create and edit a list in a spreadsheet application. You can save the list as a .csv file and upload it to the printer.
Downloading a Sample .csv File

To back up your current address book, you can export the address book as a .csv file. To view an example of the appropriate format for the .csv file, download a sample file. You can use the sample file as template, replacing the existing values with your own information.

  1. In the Embedded Web Server, click Address Book.

  2. From the Management list, select Download Sample.

  3. For Delimiter, select an option.

  4. Select Export in Legacy Mode as needed. Legacy Mode omits favorites, groups, fax, and Scan To Destination contact information. Display Name is changed to Friendly Name, allowing you to import the file directly to an older Xerox® printer without mapping address book fields.

  5. To exclude Email, Scan to Destination, or Fax, clear the option.

  6. Click Download.

Exporting an Address Book File

To back up your current address book, or to import it to another device, you can export your current address book contacts as a .csv file.

  1. In the Embedded Web Server, click Address Book.

  2. From the Management list, select Export.

  3. For Delimiter, select an option.

  4. Select Export in Legacy Mode as needed. Legacy Mode omits favorites, groups, fax, and Scan To Destination contact information. Display Name is changed to Friendly Name, allowing you to import the file directly to an older Xerox® printer without mapping address book fields.

  5. Click Export.

Configuring Device Address Book Security Settings

You can allow users to edit the Device Address Book, or restrict editing to system administrators only.

  1. In the Embedded Web Server, click Address Book.

  2. To set user permissions to view and manage the address book, from the Management list, select Security: User Permissions.

  3. Select an option:

    • To require users to log in as an administrator to edit the address book, select Only System Administrators.

    • To allow anyone to edit the address book, select Open to All Users.

  4. Click Save.