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Empty the Hole Punch Waste Container in the Business Ready Finisher

Product support for
AltaLink C8030 / C8035 / C8045 / C8055 / C8070 Color Multifunction Printer, Xerox EC8036 / EC8056 Color Multifunction Printer
Article ID

WARNING: Do not perform this procedure while the printer is copying or printing.

NOTE: The images in this procedure are for demonstration purposes only and may not specifically match your printer model; colors, icons, and other minor differences may exist.

  1. Open the Front Door of the Business Ready Finisher.

    Open finisher front door

  2. Remove the Hole Punch Waste Container from its slot near the top left of the Finisher.


  • When you remove the Hole Punch Waste Container, wait 10 seconds before you reinsert it into the printer. The hole punch counter resets after 10 seconds.

  • If you remove the Hole Punch Waste Container before the device instructs you to, empty the container before you reinsert it into the Finisher.

    Remove hole punch container from finisher

  1. Empty the container.

    Empty hole punch container

  2. Insert the container all the way into the Finisher.

    Return hole punch container to its original position

  3. Close the Front Door of the Business Ready Finisher.

    Close finisher front door