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Log in to the Printer's Control Panel or Embedded Web Server as a System Administrator

Product support for
VersaLink B400 Printer, VersaLink B405 Multifunction Printer
Article ID

Note: Depending on when the device was manufactured or the software version installed, the default administrator password may be the device serial number or 1111.

Accessing the Control Panel as a System Administrator

  1. At the printer control panel, press the Log In button.

  2. Touch admin.

  3. Type the administrator password, then touch OK

Accessing the Embedded Web Server as a System Administrator

Before you begin:

  • Use the Configuration report to locate your printer IP address.

  • Ensure that TCP/IP and HTTP are enabled. If you disabled either of these protocols, enable them at the control panel before you access the Embedded Web Server.

To log in to the Embedded Web Server as the administrator:

  1. At your computer, open a Web browser.

  2. In the Address field, type the IP address of the printer, then press Enter or Return.

  3. In the top right area of the page, click Log In.

  4. For User Accounts, click admin.

  5. For Password Required, type the administrator password. 

  6. Click Log In.