Symbol Usage

Throughout this web site and on the machine itself, symbols are used to draw your attention to important safety notices and useful information. Observe all cautions, hazards and warnings closely.

When performing maintenance or clearing jams on the machine, be sure to pay attention to these symbols wherever they appear. The fuser for example, will be marked with a warning icon wherever there is a hot surface that could burn your hand if touched.


warning: danger of injury or death if procedure not followed.


A Warning is used to alert the user to an operating or maintenance procedure, practice, or condition that, if not strictly observed, could result in injury or loss of life.

Electrical Hazard

electrical hazard: danger of shock or death if procedure not followed.


An Electrical Hazard icon is used to alert the user to an operating or maintenance procedure, practice, or condition that, if not strictly observed, could result in electrical shock.


caution: possibility of damage to equipment if procedure not followed.


A Caution is used to alert the user to an operating or maintenance procedure, practice, or condition that, if not strictly observed, could result in damage to, or destruction of data files or equipment.



NOTE: A Note is used to alert the user to important information regarding the topic, application, or procedure.


TIP: A Tip is used to alert the user to a shortcut or easier way to complete a task.