Support for FreeFlow VI Interpreter   D1w

The FreeFlow VI Interpreter (FF VII) is an optional software license pre-installed on the DocuSP that you can enable to interpret the VIPP language (Variable-data Intelligent PostScript Printware). Often VIPP and FreeFlow VI Interpreter are used interchangeably. However, the FF VI Interpreter refers to the software used to interpret the VIPP commands. VIPP is used to discuss anything related to the VIPP commands or VIPP based applications.

The VIPP language is an open programming language that uses the flexibility of PostScript to construct dynamic documents. First introduced in 1993, VIPP allows variable documents to be composed at the printer in real time. VIPP uses the same Dynamic Document Construction concepts as LCDS. Fonts, forms, and images reside in directories on the printer.

Page composition is controlled by interpreting the VIPP commands inside one of the following:

These files, along with the resources (fonts, images, forms, etc), are stored in libraries on the hard drive of the device (or located on a network connected server). Typically, with documents created using the FF VI Interpreter, only the variable data is sent over the network at run time.

For complete information about the FreeFlow VI Interpreter and the VIPP language, consult the FreeFlow VIPP Language Reference Manual on the FreeFlow VI Suite Documentation CD delivered in the VIPP ship kit.

Verifying the presence of VIPP software

To verify that the FreeFlow VI Interpreter is installed on the system, use the UNIX Terminal Window to verify that the /usr/xgf and /usr/xgfc directories exist on the system.

  1. Log on to the system as System Administrator.
  2. From the System menu, select [UNIX Terminal Window].
  3. At the shell prompt ($) type su (and press <Enter>), then type your super user password and press <Enter>.
  4. At the root prompt (#), type ls -a /usr (with a blank space after ls and -a) and press <Enter>. Note: At the root prompt you could alternatively type the command pkginfo | grep VIP. This will also give you the name of the installed VIPP package, if present on the system.
  5. See if xgf and xgfc are displayed as directories. If they are, FreeFlow VI Interpreter software is installed. If they are not, FreeFlow VI Interpreter software is NOT installed. Typically, the FreeFlow VI Interpreter software is pre-installed on the system.
  6. At the root prompt (#), type exit and press <Enter>.
  7. At the shell prompt ($) type exit and press <Enter>.

Verifying the presence of the FreeFlow VI Interpreter License

To print VIPP jobs in excess of 200 pages (beyond Demo mode), you must verify that the FreeFlow VI Interpreter license is installed and enabled on the system. To do this, follow the steps contained in the Checking Installed Options with License Manager procedure, in the Required Set Up Steps section of this guide.

Installing the FreeFlow VI Interpreter software or license, if needed

To install the FreeFlow VI Interpreter software or license on the system, if needed, follow the instructions provided in the FreeFlow VIPP Language Reference Manual that is located on the FreeFlow VI Suite Documentation CD delivered as part of the ship kit.

Storing VIPP Resources on the printer

To support the printing of individual VIPP jobs, resources (Reusable Document Components) for each job must be stored in various subdirectories of the /usr directory on the system. These resources consist of Job Descriptor Ticket (JDT) files, Data Base Master (DBM) files, Forms, and other files identified with file extensions such as .ps, .eps, .tif, .jpg, and .dbf. Refer to the FreeFlow VIPP Language Reference Manual that accompanies the FreeFlow VI Interpreter software for a full explanation of these files.

To store resources on the printer, perform the following steps:

  1. Log on to the system by selecting [Logon…] from the Logon menu.
  2. Select System Administrator as the user from the User drop-down list box.
  3. Enter the System Administrator password and click <OK>.
  4. Insert a CD into the CD ROM drive containing the resources to be used with your VIPP jobs.
  5. From the System menu, select [UNIX Terminal Window].
  6. At the shell prompt ($) type su (and press <Enter>), then type your super user password and press <Enter>.
  7. At the root prompt (#), type /usr/openwin/bin/filemgr& and press <Enter>.
  8. Select the CD in file manager and right click the system mouse on the file you wish to copy. Select copy from the pop-up menu.
  9. Select the desired local directory on the system, and select paste from the pop-up menu. The following file types should be copied into the indicated directories:
  10. The .jdt files go into /usr/xgfc/jdtlib. The .dbm files go into /usr/xgfc/formlib. The .ps and .eps files go into /usr/xgfc/formlib. The .tif or .jpg files go into /usr/xgfc/imglib. The .dbf files go into any library such as /usr/xgfc/mislib.) PostScript fonts can be either installed using the PDL fonts selection of the system’s Administration menu, or can be placed in /usr/xgfc/fontlib.

    Note: Refer to VIPP Projects for additional information on using VI Projects.

  11. When done copying files, select [Quit File Manager] from the File menu.
  12. At the root prompt (#), type exit and press <Enter>.
  13. At the shell prompt ($) type exit and press <Enter>.

FreeFlow VI Projects

FreeFlow VI Projects allows VIPP applications to print easier. All the resources for a particular job can now be stored on the system under a single job folder. When the FreeFlow VI Interpreter is installed, a “projects” folder is created under the /usr/xgfc directory. This is a default location, but the user can specify any folder and project name. A VI Project Container (.vpc) is a compressed version of a job folder. It contains everything a VIPP application needs to print. DocuSP supports the direct printing of a vpc file through the print path. This makes printing a VIPP application as simple as printing the .vpc file to a queue. You need to edit the queue properties and select the filter option. Select one of the three VIPP options for the filter, such as “Deploy and Print”. Once a queue is configured with the VI Project Container filter (vpcf) set to “Deploy and Print", the user can simply lpr (print) a .vpc file to this queue. DocuSP automatically expands the vpd file, installs the VIPP resource files into the correct folder locations, and runs the applications. Using VI Projects is highly recommended.

Adding a new queue to support the FreeFlow VI Interpreter

To add a new queue to the system, follow the steps contained in the Using Queue Manager procedure, in the NOS Selection Menu section of this guide.

Note: Systems with the Productivity Pack license enabled cannot process more than one streaming job at a single time, regardless of the number of streaming queues existing on the system.

Dedicating the new queue to process VIPP (streaming) jobs

  1. Log on to the system by selecting [Logon…] from the Logon menu.
  2. Select System Administrator as the user from the User drop-down list box.
  3. Enter the System Administrator password and click <OK>.
  4. Open the Queue Manager by selecting [Queue] from the displayed list of Managers.
  5. Select the newly created queue and double click the system mouse to open Queue Properties.
  6. Select the PDL Settings tab.
  7. Click the PDF/PostScript button and do the following:
  8. Protected Queue: Select the Protected radio button to have the queue terminate any printer settings made by the PS PDL after the job has completed. Select [Unprotected] only if you wish PDL changed settings to be maintained from job to job.

    Initialization File: The purpose of an Initialization File is to place a VIPP header on a data stream that does not contain the required start command at the beginning of the data file (such as STARTLM, STARTDBM, or STARTXML). For typical VIPP data streams, containing the start command, select [None] for the Initialization File setting. For VIPP data streams that do not contain a start command, consult the FreeFlow VIPP Language Reference Manual or contact your Xerox representative for advice regarding the appropriate Initialization File setting.

  9. Set the desired resolution for the queue. The recommended setting is 600 dpi.
  10. Select a finishing device from the Default Finishing drop-down menu.
  11. Select the Settings tab.
  12. Set the Input setting to [Streaming].
  13. Click <OK>.

Setting up Stocks and Trays to support VIPP

Enable Settings under System Preferences

  1. If necessary, log on to the system as Operator or System Administrator from the Logon menu.
  2. From the system's Setup menu, select [System Preferences].
  3. Select the Stocks and Trays tab.
  4. Enable the Option labeled Allow Tray Selection by Queue by placing a check mark in the Option’s checkbox. When this Option is enabled, a Stock Selection drop-down menu will be displayed on the Stock tab of the Queue Manager.
  5. Click <OK> to save the settings.

Selecting Stocks (feeder trays) to support the VIPP queue

  1. If necessary, log on to the system as Operator or System Administrator from the Logon menu.
  2. Open the Queue Manager by selecting [Queue] from the displayed list of Managers.
  3. Select the VIPP queue and double click the system mouse to open Queue Properties.
  4. Select the Stock tab.
  5. From the Stock Selection drop-down menu, select [Program Stock (or Feed Tray)]. Note: If Feed Tray is selected, that tray will be used exclusively for all jobs in the queue. This may not be desirable for VIPP jobs calling for a Stock name which is really a stock definition using several preferred printer trays containing various sizes of media (defined using the Stock Library in Printer Manager).
  6. From the Name drop-down menu, select a stock name (or stock definition). Click the Stock List... button for more selections.
  7. Click <OK> to save the settings.

Defining Stocks with Printer Manager

  1. If necessary, log on to the system as Operator or System Administrator from the Logon menu.
  2. Open the Printer Manager by selecting [Printer] from the displayed list of Managers.
  3. Select the Stock Library tab.
  4. Use the View menu to enable the viewing of the Preferred Tray and Auto Size columns (if not already shown).
  5. In the displayed list of stocks, double click on any stock selection line.
  6. From the pop-up menu, select [New Stock...] to create a new stock, or [Properties...] to view the properties of the currently selected stock.
  7. Make sure that the stock's Name is the name that you wish to select for queue use with VIPP jobs.
  8. From the Properties... dialog, use the system mouse to place a check mark in the Auto Size Option box. The Auto Size parameter indicates whether the named stock may be loaded in different sizes in different (preferred) trays in support of VIPP jobs.
  9. From the Properties... dialog, use the system mouse to place a check mark in the Preferred Tray boxes. Preferred trays are a list of feeder trays indicating the stocks to load in support of VIPP jobs.
  10. Click <OK> to save the settings.

Setting up Stackers to support VIPP

  1. If necessary, log on to the system as Operator or System Administrator from the Logon menu.
  2. Open the Printer Manager by selecting [Printer] from the displayed list of Managers.
  3. Select the Stacking tab.
  4. To set the properties of all system Stackers, select [Settings] from the Stacker drop-down menu. To set the properties of individual Stackers, select an individual Stacker in the Stacking window list and right click. Select [Settings] from the pop-up window.
  5. Enable the setting labeled Allow PDL Override by placing a check mark in the setting's checkbox.
  6. Click <OK> to save the setting.

Enabling FTP and NFS to support VIPP

To make sure that FTP is enabled, log on to the system as System Administrator using the Logon menu. Enter the System Administrator password. From the Setup menu, select [FTP/Remote Diagnostics]. Select ]Enable FTP], then select <OK>.

Make sure that the system's Security Profile is set to None, Low, or Medium to enable (non-secure) FTP communications and NFS (Network File Sharing) with DigiPath 3.0 and 2.x workstations. Refer to the Selecting and Creating Security Profiles procedure in the Recommended Set Up Steps section of this guide for instructions. For FreeFlow MakeReady, refer to the MakeReady documentation for configuration and network setup.