Backing up and Restoring the system  D1t


The Backup and Restore utilities provide you with the ability to back up and restore the system software and/or system configuration files.

System Software Backup makes a copy of everything on the system disk and creates an archive. Select [Backup System…] as described below, then see the [All] selection, under File Group, for a description of the data saved with this backup. Note that the system will prompt you to insert a blank CD after the completed backup so that it can create a boot CD to recover the archive at the time that the system is restored.

Note: Restoration of System Software requires a restart of the system from the supplied boot CD, or the CD created at the time that the system software was backed up (see above).

System Configuration Backup makes a copy of certain files that customize the system to individual business requirements. Select [Backup System…] as described below, then see the All Configuration Files selection, under File Group, for a description of the data saved with this backup.

System Configuration Restore enables one-step customizing of the system. This can be helpful after new or upgraded software installations.

EXAMPLE: To copy all usernames, passwords and groups from one system to another, you should select [Unix Users and Groups], and select only the directories shown below:

/etc/security, /etc/shadow, /etc/passwd, /etc/group, and /etc/user_attr

This back up file may then be taken to another Nuvera system and restored. This will recreate all users, passwords, and groups, as well as the security profiles.

Backing up the system software and configuration files

  1. Log on to the system by selecting [Logon…] from the Logon menu.
  2. Select System Administrator (or Operator) as the user from the User drop-down list box.
  3. Enter the System Administrator (or Operator) password and click <OK>.
  4. Select [Backup System...] from the System menu.
  5. Select the File Group that you want to back up. For example, select [All] to perform a system software backup, or [All Configuration Files] to perform a system configuration backup.
  6. The backup can be saved to a partition of the local disk or network file system, or on media supported by the system, such as a floppy disk, CD-RW, or tape drive. Select the save location using the Directory drop-down menu. If the backup file will be stored in a UNIX file, select the directory location for the file.
  7. If desired, select [Estimate Archive File Size] to estimate the number of media required for a backup.

    Note: Depending on your version of software, the system may not be able to write multiple CD/DVD media.
  8. If you want to send a back up report, place a checkmark in the Report Status checkbox and enter an e-mail address in the associated field.
  9. Click <OK> to continue.

Restoring the system configuration files

  1. Log on to the system by selecting [Logon…] from the Logon menu.
  2. Select System Administrator (or Operator) as the user from the User drop-down list box.
  3. Enter the System Administrator (or Operator) password and click <OK>.
  4. Select [Restore System....] from the System menu.
  5. Select the file that will be used to restore the system. The file can be located on a partition of the local disk or network file system, or on media supported by the system, such as a floppy disk, CD-RW, or tape drive.
  6. Select a job name from the Select Backup field.
  7. Select a File Group.
  8. Click <OK> to begin the restore process.