Logging on as System Administrator  A2c

  1. At the print station, select [Logon...] from the Logon menu.
  2. Select System Administrator as the user from the User drop-down list box.
  3. Enter the System Administrator password (for example, administ).
  4. Note: To maintain security, it is recommended that all logon passwords be changed after the system has been installed. To do this, refer to the Changing Logon Passwords procedure in the Recommended Set Up Steps section of this guide.

  5. Select < OK>.

General Information on user types and access rights

There are three main user account groups that are allowed access to the system. The three account groups are Administrators, Operators, and Users. For each of these user groups there is a built-in user Account. Note how the access level of each group corresponds to the access level in previous (legacy) versions of DocuSP.


Built-in User Account

Access Level in Previous DocuSP versions


System Administrator

System Administrator



Trusted User



Walk-up User

The group name of the logged-in user displays in the title bar of the currently active window on the system's monitor.

The access levels for each of the users are defined as follows:

  1. The Users group typically has minimum access rights on the system. The allowed access corresponds to the Walk-up User level in previous DocuSP versions.
  2. The Operators group has greater access to the system than the Users group. The allowed access corresponds to the Trusted User level in previous DocuSP versions.
  3. The Administrators group has full access to all the system functions. This is identical to the System Administrator access level in previous DocuSP versions.

In addition to the three built-in User Accounts there is a fourth account, named "cse," intended for use by the Xerox Customer Service Engineer. This account is a member of the Administrators group by default.

Note: When the autologon feature is enabled, users are not required to log on to gain access to the system. The allowed access, however, corresponds to the privileges of the Users group. The autologon feature is configurable by a member of the Administrators group through the Security Profiles menu. Autologon is enabled in the Medium, Low, and None security profiles. It is disabled in the High security profile.