Powering the system on/off  A2b

How to power the system on

  1. Power on any third party peripheral equipment (such as finishers, for example). Note that Xerox equipment modules do not have power buttons as they are powered on electronically.
  2. Press the on position (labeled I) on the power on/off button, located on the right front of the print station (to the right of the system's monitor).
  3. Note that as the system starts up, both the MAC address (Network Interface Card's hardware address) and the Host name will be displayed a few minutes apart on the system's monitor.
  4. Wait for the DocuSP screen to display and observe the status window until the window displays Printer Idle and Idle respectively (not Initializing…Idle, or Loading…Idle).

Note: The system will take several minutes to be ready for use.

How to power the system off

  1. Select the System menu with your mouse.
  2. Select [Shutdown].

    Yes - system will complete job processing and shutdown

    Interrupt - system will shutdown immediately without completing job processing

    No - system returns to the UI
  3. Wait for the status window to finish displaying its power down in progress message.
  4. Power off any third party peripheral equipment (finishers, for example).

How to power the Print Engine only off

There will be times when the Xerox CSE may need to turn off just the Print Engine to perform service.

To turn off the Print Engine only:

  1. Select [Printer Off] from the Printer menu to complete job processing and shutdown the system.
  2. When ready, power the Print Engine back on by selecting [Printer On] from the Printer menu.