NetWare (NDS and Bindery)  B1f

Setting Up the NetWare Server

NDS - Set up a Print Server object, Print Queue object, and Printer object in the appropriate Context (NDS Tree) using NetWare Administrator, NetAdmin, or PCONSOLE. Refer to the documentation supplied by Novell ( to complete this task. For later use in setting up the printer, record precisely (observing upper and lower case, dot notation, etc.) the following items used in setting up objects on the server: NDS Tree, NDS Context Name, Print Server Name, Print Server password. Note that if the printer services queues on multiple file servers, the Print Server name and password must be the same on all the file servers.

Bindery - Set up a Print Server, Queue, and Printer Configuration on the Primary (File) Server using PCONSOLE. Refer to the documentation supplied by Novell ( to complete this task. For later use in setting up the printer, record precisely (observing upper and lower case, punctuation, etc.) the following items: the File (Primary) Server name, Print Server name, Print Server password, and the Queue name assigned. Note that if the printer services queues on multiple file servers, the Print Server name and password must be the same on all the file servers.

Log on to the Printer

  1. Select [Logon...] from the Logon menu.
  2. Select System Administrator as the user from the User drop-down list box.
  3. Enter the System Administrator password (administ, for example). If necessary, refer to your Xerox Service Representative for the initial logon password.
  4. Select <OK>.

Set the Frame Type and Novell Net Number

  1. From the system's Setup menu, select [Gateways].
  2. Select the NetWare tab. Note: If the NetWare tab is grayed out, select [Feature Licenses…] under the Setup menu and verify that the Novell NetWare Gateway license is present and enabled. If the license is not present, contact your Xerox representative.
  3. The NetWare tab indicates NetWare routes and their supported frame types. Auto configuration is the default setting for detection. Manual Configuration can be selected by clicking the Setup…button. Verify that a displayed Frame Type and Novell Net Number matches your network settings.
  4. To make changes to the displayed information, click the Setup… button, select [Manual Configuration], then click <OK>. When the Warning prompt displays, click <OK>.
  5. Select the line representing the setting that you would like to change and right click the system mouse.
  6. From the displayed dialog, select [Properties…], [Add…], or [Delete…] to bring up a dialog enabling you to make your changes.
  7. Click <OK> on the dialog after your changes have been made, then respond to the prompt as to whether you wish your changes to be configured Now or on the Next Restart.

Accessing Queue Server to configure printer to server communications

  1. From the system's Setup menu, select [Gateways].
  2. Select the Queue Server tab.
  3. In the upper left corner of the Queue Server window, note the displayed Mode.
  4. Note that the Queue Server window provides two tables for configuring the printer's connection to the NetWare server. The upper table is used for configuring NDS connections, while the lower table is used for configuring Bindery connections.

Configuring Queue Server for your Mode

For the set up steps that apply to your system, click on one of the two hot links below.

Configuring Queue Server for systems with one queue

Configuring Queue Server for systems with multiple queues