IPP  B1d

IPP allows printing from virtually anywhere using Internet or Intranet access. In addition to submitting jobs to the printer, a workstation user with the Internet Print Service (standard with Windows 2000) and the applicable print driver installed, can perform the following functions:

  • Get a list of capabilities for a particular printer.
  • Find out the status of a printer or a print job.
  • Cancel a previously submitted print job.
  • Support streaming if the designated queue's input value is set to Stream. A job can start printing before all document data has been transferred.
  • To enable IPP on the printer, perform the following steps.

    1. Select [Logon...] from the Logon menu.
    2. Select System Administrator as the user from the User drop-down list box.
    3. Enter the System Administrator password (administ, for example). If necessary, refer to your Xerox Service Representative for the initial logon password.
    4. Select <OK>.
    5. From the system's Setup menu, select [Gateways].
    6. Select the IPP tab.
    7. Verify that a check mark is displayed within the Enable IPP checkbox. If the IPP License is not enabled in License Manager, the Enable IPP checkbox is disabled also. If necessary, place a checkmark within the Enable IPP checkbox. The system will update and enable the checkbox in License Manager.
    8. Under the Remote Authorization heading, decide whether or not you wish to let Internet or Intranet users cancel or purge their print jobs. To enable these capabilities, use the system mouse to place a check mark in the box preceding the [Allow Job Cancel] or [Allow Job Purge] settings. To disable these capabilities make sure that the check boxes are empty.
    9. Click the Common Settings… button to edit general information available for display by this printer.
    10. Click <Apply> or <OK> to save your settings. If you clicked <Apply>, click <Cancel> to close the window.
    11. To log off, select [Logoff] from the Logon menu.