TCP/IP Addressing and Name Resolution B1a
Note: This procedure should have been performed when the device was first installed on the network. The procedure is repeated here to provide instructions for changing TCP/IP addresses and the method used for Host or NetBIOS name resolution (DNS or WINS).
If it is not already enabled by factory default,
click on the Enable DNS check box to enable it with a check mark.
Click on the Enable Dynamic DNS Registration check box if your network uses
a dynamic DNS server to automatically update host name to IP address mapping.
In the Domain Name box, type in the domain that this device resides in (for
In the Hostname box, note that this read only name is the same as the unique
host name that was entered on the IP Address tab.
In the DNS Server list, provide the IP addresses of up to three DNS servers
to search when resolving host names to IP addresses.
In the Domain Search list, provide the names of other domains to search, if
needed, to resolve the host name.
Click Apply or OK to save your settings.
Click on the Enable WINS check box to enable it
with a check mark.
In the two boxes supplied, type in the IP addresses of the Primary and Secondary
(if used) WINS Servers for resolution of NetBIOS names to IP addresses on
the Microsoft network.
Click Apply or OK to save your settings.
Click on the Enable Name Service check box to enable
it with a check mark.
Note that the NIS+ radio button is enabled by default. If desired, select
the NIS radio button instead.
Click on the Find NIS+ Server check box to query the network for the name
and IP address of the Network Information Service server.
If the NIS+ Server is not found, or the Find NIS+ Server check box is left
unchecked, use the supplied boxes to type in the Domain Name, Server IP address,
and Server Name for NIS/NIS+, if known.
Click Apply or OK to save your settings.