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DocuTech 6180

Treiber & Downloads

Color Management Guide v3.7


This guide is a reference to the DocuSP controller color management features. The DocuSP controller serves as the digital front end for preparing and processing jobs to print on Xerox color print engines. The DocuSP operator uses the information in this guide to enhance the use of the color management tools to achieve quality color output.

  • Veröffentlicht: 26.05.2003
  • Größe: 1.90 MB
  • Dateiname: colormgt.pdf
  • Tags: Sonstige Dokumentation

Supported languages

  • English (N. America)

Supported products

  • DocuTech 6135
  • DocuTech 6180
  • DocuTech 6100 Production Publisher
  • DocuTech 6155
  • DocuTech 6115

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