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DocuPrint 180/180MX

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Tape Client Job Submission Guide


The Tape Client Job Submission Guide provides the information needed to set up and submit jobs from tape, using the Tape Client software. This document is intended for the programmer or user who submits jobs to the printer, and for the operator, who is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the DocuPrint 2000 Series 75/90/100/115/135/155/180 Enterprise Printing System.

  • Zveřejněno: 01.10.2002
  • Velikost: 680.30 KB
  • Název souboru: TapeClnt_701P21110.pdf
  • Značení: Ostatní dokumentace

Supported languages

  • English (N. America)

Supported products

  • DocuPrint 180/180MX
  • DocuPrint 155/155MX
  • DocuPrint 100/100MX
  • DocuPrint 115/115MX
  • DocuPrint 135 LMX Large Format MICR Printer
  • DocuPrint 135/135MX

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